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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

AMC: Thoughts on Episode 20

Here are my thoughts and a brief summary about episode twenty (June 12, 2013) of All My Children.

Brooke is with Dimitri at Jane's Addiction as he's returned to town. They catch up and we find out that he's made up with his brother Edmund and has divorced. It is also mentioned that Caleb has moved out of Wildwind and currently no one is living there. Dimitri admits that she should be running Tempo as she is more than qualified, but she needs the help due to being in charge at Chandler and JR getting out of the coma. Cara comes in as JR holds the steroids. They speak and she says that taking hormones may be a death wish for him. Cara goes through all the side effects from using them. They then decide to go out for dinner. AJ is now there, and the three are eating together. Cara is afraid of spiders. Brooke brings in Dimitri and only JR recognizes him. Once Brooke and Dimitri leave, JR says that he will be a good addition to the company as he won't fall flat on his face. AJ explains how he isn't starting this year, but that's okay with him. He leaves thanking them for the cake. Cara says AJ is getting along better with him, but JR feels he may be acting nice due to feeling sorry for him. Dimitri says this deal is a good reason for him to stay in Pine Valley. While alone, JR injects himself with the steroids.

Pete calls Celia and asks why she brought the clothing back and why she shut down on him. Heather comes into Celia's room and asks about AJ. She thinks he is really hot, but doesn't want to be that kind of girl. Celia says it is bad timing and he moved on to someone else. Pete then goes into his bedroom and finds Colby in his bed. She is wearing one of his shirts and drinks out of his scotch glass. Colby notices how cut he is, and he admits that he got over the geek stereotype. He is speechless seeing her in  a leotard. Pete admits in his wildest dreams that he wanted her and they start having sex on the bed. They are in afterglow, and Colby asks him to teach him about computers. Pete explains how computers are made of a million switches, while Colby goes down on him. We see Pete's reactions, but Colby is not seen.

Zach is being fingerprinted in the background, while Lea and Jesse are discussing the situation. Lea says if Jesse hadn't arrested him, she should have. He shouldn't have been on the case due to their friendship. Zach asks Jesse to get extra protection for Kendall and the boys who don't live in Pine Valley. Lea thanks Jesse for his help. Zach is now out on bail in Lea's custody as it isn't safe for him in prison, though we didn't see him in front of a judge. Lea handcuffs him to make sure he doesn't run as he was able to dodge different agents. Jesse is outside the police station calling Uri, he says now that Zach is arrested let Cassandra go. Lea and Zach are now in her hotel room, and she explains the reason she feels he is guilty is based on the evidence. That said she thinks there is more good than bad in him. Lea explains how she is in her bed in an adjoining room, while there is a guard outside. She keeps her sidearm under her pillow. Zach thanks Lea for allowing him to call her Lea. Jesse calls Uri again and gets this number is not in service message. He says Damn it yelling where is she? Cassandra is dumped though still alive as we fade to black for the week.

General thoughts about the episode:

This episode flowed a lot better than the last, though Brooke changed locations without explanation from opening the door at the end of Monday's episode to being at Jane's Addiction at the beginning of Wednesday's show. Zach and Lea are still flirting/sparring, but I'm not sold on them yet. Pete and Colby's sex scenes were sex and not love. I can understand why some viewers may have been horrified, though that kind of scene has been done before over the years. I like Colby and Pete more than Celia and Pete, though that perhaps goes back to liking them with different actors years ago. Jesse should feel guilt over Zach's arrest, but at least Cassandra is no longer being abused. There were no promos for next week, so I cannot comment on them.

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