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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dial Emmy for Murder Book

This is my quick review of Eileen Davidson’s book “Dial Emmy for Murder”, which was written in 2009. It is her second soap opera mystery novel, (two additional books came out in 2010 and 2011.) Ms. Davidson currently plays Ashley Abbott McCall on the Young and the Restless, but she has also appeared as Ashley on The Bold and the Beautiful. She also appeared in roles on the soap operas Days of Our Lives (Kristen, Susan and more), and Santa Barbara (Kelly Capwell). My summary/review does spoil some information, but does not give away the killer.

Since the end of the first book, Alexis has left her soap “The Yearning Tide” for another called “The Bare and the Brazen”. After being accused of murder and having her co-workers believe she could be guilty, she needed a job change. On her new soap opera, she plays a dual role, twin sisters that are nothing alike. One is named Felicia Stewart, a psychiatrist, and the other is Fanny Stewart. They were not raised together, and Fanny grew up in the south and had large teeth. Fanny doesn’t say “mean, mean, mean”, but “bad, bad, bad”, which obviously is a play on her former role as Susan on Days of Our Lives. In real life, Susan wasn’t evil, and her normal looking character Kristen became a bad girl.

At the beginning of this book, Alex has sent away her mother and daughter Sarah to visit family in the Midwest, as her former husband Randy is threatening to come back into their lives. Randy stole her money as well as others. This was a lose end from the first book, and left open in this one too. It looked like Randy was stalking her, and the cop who she flirted with in the first book Jakes helps her protect Sarah.

Alex is dating a guy named Paul who also works in television, but behind the scenes as a forensics specialist. By the end of the second book, they have broken up as friends. George, her best friend and former hairstylist is in the book too. In one portion, Daytime Emmys gift bags are discussed, and how stars get free stuff even if they don’t need it.

The title of the book is based on what happens early on in the novel, as Alex is a presenter at the Daytime Emmys that are at the Nokia in LA that year. Since this is a cozy mystery, someone ends up dead. This guy is a cast member of Alex’s new show. She ends up splattered in his blood as he was hung in the rafters. Obviously this cancelled the airing of the Daytime Emmys. This one murder ended up linking to other people within the industry and Alex and Jakes discover the killer, before she or her agent Connie gets killed.

That’s my preview of the second Soap Opera Mystery: Dial Emmy for Murder. I got through it in two sittings and in this novel there was more exploring of the soap opera community at large.

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