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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Thoughts about "The Doctors" - July 1969

Another month's worth of episodes of "The Doctors" has aired on RetroTV. Below are my thoughts on what has aired for the month of July 1969.

Althea is still struggling with her amnesia. She doesn't really understand why she married Nick and prefers the company of others like Matt or even her sophisticated therapist Dr. Gellar. Maggie also isn't getting much love from Althea as their interactions have been strained. Althea now has a new girlfriend in Carolee. (I actually like seeing Althea and Carolee being friends even if they are very different and hope it continues.) Althea accidentally found out about Penny from a patient. She was really upset over not being told or remembering her daughter. Althea blamed everyone for keeping quiet, except for Carolee who barely knows the girl. Steve, Carolee, Althea and Nick went on a double date. Unfortunately, Steve spent his time entertaining Althea, and Carolee felt left out by him.  

While in the break room with Carolee, Steve decided to dump his wedding ring. He tossed it out the window with a geronimo. They aren't calling themselves exclusive but it seems they are going in that direction. After the really poor double date, Steve and Carolee had some time alone and shared a scorching kiss. Meanwhile Liz and Jody Lee are dating, though Jody Lee wants some juking. Hilariously Liz said that isn't a word for scrabble and didn't appear in her diction. Forty some years later, it is a correctly spelled word according to my computer. Basically, he wants sex from Liz, but she's not interested. Liz cut her hair really short, and still doesn't like Steve.

Anna and Simon Harris interacted again, but they aren't dating. Matt and Mike continued to argue about Nancy, while Nancy waffled about Mike. Shana is hiding Nancy's husband Paul, whom she believes is dead. Shana wants to help Paul, who was blinded in the 6 day War in Israel. 

Those were the highlights of July 1969. I really enjoyed the Nick/Althea dream sequences. I wouldn't have thought they would have done material like that back then. They played classic movie characters both in glamour and woe. 

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