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Thursday, August 11, 2011

More about Switched at Birth Season One

After the first three episodes of Switched at Birth, I wrote about the ABCFamily show. As the summer season is over, I wanted to write about what has happened. The great news is according to news outlets, the show has been renewed. There were ten episodes over the summer and come January 2011, another 22 will air to round out the first season.

The program continued with everyone settling into a blended family. Daphne and Bay dealt with sibling rivalry even if they aren’t related. The Kennishes started to learn sign language (ASL) to be able to better communicate with Daphne. She began taking cooking classes at Buckner Hall, but started a fire. Toby was revealed as a gambler, Regina as a recovering addict was the one person who got through to him. Toby hit rock bottom, as he owned his best friend and fellow band member Wilke, thousands of dollars and even broke into school to clear his debt.

Of course, trouble was on the way. Regina knew since the girls were three that Bay and Daphne were switched. She did a DNA test that proved Daphne wasn’t hers. Instead of telling anyone the truth, she kept it a secret and paid a private investigator to follow Bay. So basically Regina was stalking her own child. John and Kathryn were extremely livid, but Kathryn tried to get along with her. Toby was the only one who gave her the benefit of the doubt. Awkward moments took place at Bay and Daphne’s birthday party for this reason. The Kennishes gave each girl a car.

In the season finale, Angelo Sorrento, Regina’s former love and Bay’s father came to town. He showed up at Bay’s art show and admitted to their bond. Bay lied to John about their tie. She found out about her French, Italian and Algerian roots (on top of the Puerto Rican ones from Regina.) We found out that he left Regina and Daphne because he believed Regina cheated, as he wasn’t Daphne’s biological dad. If Regina had just told him about the DNA test proving she wasn’t Daphne’s biological mother, perhaps their relationship would have been saved. Angelo tried to reach out to Daphne, years earlier, but Regina stopped them from bonding. The threat Angelo poses may put Regina, Kathryn and John on the same side. Of course, since Angelo said he wants Regina back things are in flux, as if she chose him she would alienate Daphne even further. Angelo also said he had information that may get a better settlement from the hospital due to the switch. The question is is Angelo authentic or a scam artist.

In romantic news, Bay moved past Liam (who dated Daphne for about 10 minutes until she broke up with him), and Ty (who went into the military). Surprisingly her new boyfriend is Emmett, who is Deaf and Daphne’s best friend. Daphne saw that Emmett liked Bay, but denied it until he went to her school and kissed her. People seem to be really shipping Bay and Emmett. He helped her try to locate her father Angelo Sorrento, and put her art on a billboard. They’ve been kissing a lot, and became an actual couple. His mother Melody is upset, as she believes Deaf and hearing people don’t work. This conflict isn’t typical, which is very refreshing. Daphne was extremely upset over Bay and Emmett and thinks she wants to date him too. They kissed, but he chose Bay for her regardless of her ability to hear and spoke to her “I just want you.” Before Daphne realized her feelings for Emmett, she had a drunken make out session with Wilke. He admitted to liking her to Toby, and he said as long as Daphne likes him back, he’s fine with it. Love is in bloom with complications.

Switched at Birth continued to improve as the season went on, which was cool. Having it come back and be so successful was a wonderful surprise. I look forward to see how the new family deals with the issues thrown in their way.

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