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Monday, August 12, 2013

AMC: Thoughts on Episodes 37 & 38

Here are my thoughts and a brief summary about episodes 37 & 38 (August 12, 2013) of All My Children.

Note: I number these without the "More episodes" included in the count. On Hulu, these are episodes 52 & 53.

Episode 37:

Pete is happily surprised that Celia won the bid. Zach takes a photo on his phone of Miranda to send to Bianca. AJ and Heather interrupt to dance with her, so they all go on the floor. Colby interrupts Pete and Colby's talk to dance. Opal, Colby, Celia and Evelyn are snipping at each other in the Chandler living room. AJ finds Hunter stealing alcoholic drinks from others. AJ threatens to hurt Hunter, and then JR goes off on Hunter scaring him away. AJ and Zach talk about Miranda and her shoes. Heather, Miranda and Celia talk about the date with Pete. Heather thinks she should for for it. Zach is trying to get Miranda to talk to AJ about her feelings.

Angie is bothered by a reporter about why Jesse resigned from the police force. Joe stops him. Jesse is drinking with Steve the bartender, he isn't sure what he will do with his life. Billy Clyde comes into the bar that Jesse is in and they talk. Billy Clyde says that he can buy Jesse a drink. Dixie gets upset with David for interfering with Angie and Jesse. David goes up to Angie and says how hard it is for her and Cassandra. Angie is scared he can read her mind. Joe stops their conversation, and Angie joins him at the buffet. David apologizes to Angie about telling Jesse about the abortion. Angie blames herself for what happened.

Cara tells JR that she got Oliver to bed, and he's getting ready to do his presentation. Then Cara and Dixie discuss Tad. Dixie goes up to JR's room, but doesn't go in, so she has no idea her son is using steroids.

Brooke introduces Jason Derulo singing "The Other Side". Miranda was stunned to see Heather and AJ kissing during the song. The performance ends and Brooke says they will show the sizzle reel. The file is corrupted and JR loses it. Adam walks in summoning JR as the episode ends.

General thoughts about the episode:

Nice to see Adam at the end of the show, though wish it hadn't have been spoiled on last week's "More" episode. Dixie and Cara talking about Tad and being civil about him makes me wonder what we will find out about him in the future. Billy Clyde and Jesse speaking together was a different interaction as they weren't yelling. Poor Miranda seeing Heather and AJ.

Episode 38:

Lea finds Jesse at the bar, wonders why he isn't at the gala and he leaves though drunk.

Angie, Joe and Opal talk about what happened with JR's freak out. Hunter Morrison's father gets upset as he donated a lot to Chandler Media. Brooke and Dimitri try to calm him and other investors. Anders and Dixie have an awkward conversation, which Brooke interrupts. Adam and JR are having an off screen discussion. Spencer (Jake Tapper) the newsman goes to speak to Brooke about JR. David and Cara have an awkward moment. JR leaves the room, and Dixie and Brooke go to talk to Adam off screen. JR shares what his father said about him to Cara. Adam and Brooke have a scene together. She wishes he would stay, but understands he has to go again and they share a kiss.

Pete and Celia want to save the party, and he goes to Opal about a dance contest. Miranda tells AJ that he shouldn't hate his dad. AJ almost says "I love you", and stops before Heather appears. She comes with the news about the dance competition. Colby finds Brooke and Dimitri alone as Adam has already left for the airport. JR and Cara talk about what happened. He turns on her, and says the only thing she cares about his hiding her son from David.

Everyone is back in the ballroom. People are dancing, Opal stops them so Brooke can give a speech. She introduces Dixie, who gives a speech of her own.

Angie meets Oliver and brings him to bed. Dimitri wants to end the work talk with Brooke for the rest of the night. Anders thinks that Dixie has something on her mind. She mentions how JR can't be reached emotionally.

David wants to dance with Angie, and will bid on every item to get to do so including bikini waxes. Jesse comes in drunk and finds them laughing together. Jesse goes off on David and it gets physical. Joe and Zach get in the way, pulling the men apart. Angie then leaves the party.

Opal meets Carmen and calls her Leticia as Opal remembers her. She is looking for Oliver. Colby tries to seduce David, he declines and she says your loss. Colby intentionally puts pie on Celia, so she tosses water on Colby. David finds Oliver on the floor. JR goes to apologize to Cara and grabs her arm. Cara and JR share a kiss, but she pushes him away as he is her patient.

General thoughts about the episode:

It seems like the party is winding down, with the fights at the event. I understand why Jesse freaked out over David and Angie. If you didn't know better, you'd think they were flirting. Poor little Oliver getting sick, and Opal recognizing Cara's Mom was appropriate. I loved seeing Adam, but I wanted more of course. That said Adam did get to kiss Brooke, it felt like he only came to Pine Valley to make out with her.

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