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Monday, October 3, 2016

Thoughts about "The Doctors" - May 1972

Another month's worth of episodes of "The Doctors" has aired on RetroTV. Below are my thoughts on what has aired for the month of May 1972.

Vito is back in Madison, as he got into an argument with the head of research at his New York City hospital. Nick decided to give him a job running the lab, so Dr. Bellini could spend more time in the operating room and dealing with neurology cases. Toni and Mike were upset about this situation for obvious reasons.

Maggie's health continued to deteriorate, and Frank held her hostage on the roof using a knife. He pushed Maggie around and gave her rough kisses but Matt arrived before Frank could rape her. Matt and Frank fought, and Frank fell off the roof. Maggie was put in the hospital, and Nick figured out what was wrong with her. She had arachnoiditis and needed surgery to fix her problem. Maggie had such pressure on the brain of course, she felt she was going mad. Everyone was relieved that Nick figured it out, and he did the surgery with Hank assisting. Dr. Hendryx was upset about this as he felt that Nick was overstepping. Matt wanted Nick to get what he wanted, which included operating room three. Maggie is now on the road to recovery. Hopefully Greta will no longer be scared of her mother. She was so freaked about the idea of seeing her that she ran away to Karen's apartment.

Steve and Carolee hosted Emma and her new boyfriend/boss Andrew Winters for dinner. The meal was a bit of a mess, and Carolee wasn't giving the man an inch. The cake got destroyed and the potatoes weren't cooked correctly (at least the ones that were on Carolee's plate.) Emma later told Carolee how Andrew's daughter was as skeptical of her as her daughter was of him. Carolee became confused when Emma started exercising with free weights, but Emma said you're as young as you feel. Emma told her daughter to not worry about having a space for her in the new house, as she enjoys living alone in the apartment.

Karen's life fell apart as Matt found out about how Karen lied about losing her life in Germany. She mixed German wine and pills, and a record skipped ominously in her home. The babysitter arrived and called Steve when she couldn't get in to Erich. Steve sent her and the boy away, and called Carolee to help her revive Karen. Working together they were able to get her back to consciousness, as it would have been inappropriate for Steve to make Karen take a shower. Steve gave Erich back to Karen even after this, though he gave a stern warning. Unfortunately, this looks like it will backfire due to everything going wrong at the hospital. Everyone is blaming Karen for not discovering what was wrong with Maggie, when she wasn't the only doctor to run tests. This is obviously ludicrous as Matt who was living with her, and Althea, her best friend saw nothing wrong. Karen is quitting in two weeks, and said she didn't need a recommendation from Matt to work in another hospital in town. Matt gave Steve a warning that he needed to see Karen due to her decision to leave Hope Memorial. Karen isn't talking, and if she takes Erich away, this is going to get nasty.

John still suffered the effects of Althea throwing a tobacco tin at his head. He woke up, but on the day he was supposed to be released couldn't walk. John isn't paralyzed for good, but it is uncertain how long it will take for him to get better. Nick wants him to get surgery, but John wanted Dr. Hendryx as his physician. Hendryx believes that Morrison shouldn't get spinal surgery and they should wait to see if his motor skills improve. Cathy was his nurse, just like she had been Maggie's when she was brought into Hope. Cathy wants another obstetrician, which is understandable as she shouldn't have gone to Steve to begin with considering their past. Nick told Althea about Cathy's pregnancy, while Cathy feels like there is a conspiracy against her.

Those were the highlights of May 1972. This was the first weekend no new episodes in months and I missed my extra dose. I'm hoping that things get moving with Toni and Billy's mother, as we haven't been seeing the boy, and everything is still uncertain. I also wonder if Toni and Mike will wed in June, or was that just an estimate.

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