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Friday, October 23, 2015

Thoughts about "The Doctors" - February 1970

Another month's worth of episodes of "The Doctors" has aired on RetroTV. Below are my thoughts on what has aired for the month of February 1970.
This month focused on the lockbox that Mrs. Buckley found in Carolee's office. Julie continued to go after Carolee and spread a rumor about Carolee hooking up with the married Dr. Creighton. By the end of February, everything was out in the open. The former head of the student nurses helped a doctor who is no longer at Hope Memorial do the abortions. Carolee was innocent though Matt nearly balked at the pressure coming from the board even if he never doubted her. Maggie was on Carolee's side as were Liz, Steve, and Dr. Creighton. What was funny was when Steve and Althea were on a date, all Steve could talk about was Carolee's situation. Martha seems a lot happier working for Matt than being in the lab with Nick. She agreed to help Liz with the new filing system as inviting Althea to the lab even for a short time would be a bad idea. When hearing about the possible new employee, Nick got angry with Matt. 

Mike has no idea what kind of person Julie is as they continue to date. Carolee finally heard part of why Julie is so messed up, as she was in an orphanage. Julie figured out how to get someone to adopt her. She was well until she lost Elaine. Carolee told Julie that she'd give her a fresh start. They hugged, but you could tell Julie was just appeasing Carolee.

Matt and Maggie got into a car accident off camera. The other car swerved and only the couple's adult son, Gary, survived. Frances Sternhagen, aka Cliff's mother on "Cheers" plays his Aunt Phyllis. Sadly Gary's father was DOA, and his mother died from complications. Nick tried to save her, but it would have taken a miracle. This frustration situation made Nick have another setback. He was already emotional about his divorce and now he had to question his work ability.

Those were the highlights of February 1970. The hospital drama regarding Matt and Maggie's accident was the most interesting part of what went on at Hope Memorial.

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