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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

B&B: The Return of the Spectra Gang

"The Bold and the Beautiful" made the decision to resurrect the Spectra Fashions with a whole new group with familiar names. Below are my thoughts about the development.

My feelings about the whole thing are mixed. Darlene Conley passed away so the original Sally Spectra cannot appear, instead we get her sister Shirley (played by Patrika Darbo best known to soap fans as Nancy on Days), and her two granddaughters Coco (who probably is named after the famous designer Coco Chanel), and Sally named after Sally. The girls couldn't be more different with Sally being outrageous and Coco being studious. Sally wanted to be different than her namesake and create her own designs, but Bill put a stop to that. He altered an article written by Fashion Guru Jarrett Maxwell to try and destroy the new Spectra. Bill wants the building where Spectra is located, and if CJ hadn't had a touch of conscience, the land would already be the new home to Spencer's new corporate headquarters.

Sally and Thomas seem to like each other, which is a new scenario, while Steffy and Sally fight both with words and food. Sally used Steffy's social media presence to get a better one for herself. Sally had a new Saul, who is the grandson of the Saul, we knew and loved back in the day. Instead of Darla, we have Darlita, who has a somewhat similar function.

While watching this, my first reaction was I wish they didn't kill Aly, Darla or Macy as any of these characters would add to the story. I wish that someone from Forrester Creations would defect to help the misfits or even more humorously if Wyatt did. Bill would certainly love that.

Hopefully this isn't a stunt and will last longer than three to six months. I like that "The Bold and the Beautiful" again as people who strive and don't have it all inhabiting Los Angeles, since the Avants and Quinn married into the Forrester clan, their financial struggles are no longer a plot.

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