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Friday, July 6, 2018

Thoughts about "The Doctors" - December 1975

Another month's worth of episodes of "The Doctors" has aired on RetroTV. Below are my thoughts on what has aired for the month of December 1975.

MJ and Alan continued dating, and as did Hank, and they spent New Year's Eve together at the apartment Alan shared with Margo. Alan got the group drunk.

Eleanor, Scott's wife who lives in a sanitarium, came home. This was awkward as she was not sane. She wanted to love Wendy, but resented her daughter. Wendy was scared of her mother. By the end of the month, Eleanor was back in care, as she was hearing her muse, who threatened Wendy. Scott, Althea, Wendy, and Penny spent New Year's Eve together, before the girls went out on their respective dates. A lot of the month of December was spent on Eleanor's life, Lois Smith, who I know best from "True Blood" is in the role.

Jason and Doreen visited, and this made Stacy freak, as while she likes her stepfather, her mother is another story. Mona made a pointed remark about Doreen's age, and seems to be on Stacy's side. Rico went with her, and Doreen was too friendly with him. The Aldriches were happy or at least tried to be, and Matt/Maggie/Greta went to their home, and each tried to get an invitation. Stephanie was unseen at Christmas having a cold, while Erich got a football again. (He received one in the past, and I wonder what happened to that.) Steve got Carolee a lacy nightgown in hopes that things would get better between them. Billy and Greta got each other the same gift, an Elton John vinyl album. The Christmas episode ended with singing and James Pritchett breaking the fourth wall, wishing the audience a good Christmas from everyone involved with the program.

Tom became more ill, and died at Christmas. Thankfully this was after the "Matt" Christmas message. Earlier in the month, we finally saw a guy's poker night at Tom's including the new therapist, Hank, and Steve and then there was a poker party at the hospital, and the ladies (Maggie, Althea, Martha, and Toni) provided food. Everyone was stunned over Tom's fate, and tried to make the best of it. Martha and Toni tried to work in the lab, but failed, though a letter was found from Tom. He wanted his work to be destroyed as the research he was doing was a duplication. After Tom died, a hospital patient who had wanted to die told Matt how she wished she could have thanked Tom for giving her the will to live.

On New Year's Eve, Mike came back from South America, to see Matt and Maggie. Toni was there, and he hoped Michael Paul was at the Powers house, though the baby was with the sitter. Martha was off screen with Ernie Cadman. Greta wasn't there either as she was on a date with Billy Aldrich. (Of course, when Matt called Billy - Billy Aldrich, I wondered when Billy's last name changed officially and why Toni wouldn't know who her half-brother was, or that Billy and Greta were dating.) Toni and Mike went back to arguing, and she told him she could see the baby during the day.

Those were the highlights of December 1975. December 1 and December 15 were missing. For new characters who don't work at the hospital, the Conrads got a lot of airtime. I'm glad we got the Christmas message, and was amused that we got singing not just on Christmas, but also on New Year's Eve.

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