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Friday, October 8, 2010

Days: Brady and Nicole's Twisted Reunion

When I didn’t think Brady and Nicole would act odder, Days of Our Lives threw down the gauntlet with them reunite by starting to have sex in a mausoleum on top of a coffin. Both of the characters are damaged, he’s a drug addict and she’s suffered an abusive father who forced her into pornography. My reactions to this were extremely mixed and I need to get them out of my system. I should loathe these characters for what they have done, and be upset by this story, but for some reason I am currently interested in what will happen in the short term. Of course, these feelings could change tomorrow, but here goes.

My first reaction was this is twisted. Having sex surrounded by dead people and someone entombed and alive is so romantic—just typing these words is kind of horrifying. When coming up with a plot for a television show that is aimed at women, this is what comes to mind. When Days did the buried alive story of Vivian burying Carly and speaking with her while in the coffin years ago, I was not amused. This was not my idea of entertainment, regardless of the talents of the people involved as it was just too far. Doing something evil in the heat of the moment is one thing, but how can someone be redeemed after planning such an act. Since then soap operas have had a lot more extreme plots, but this was one of the earlier ones of this nature.

My next reaction was even though this is bizarre; I don’t hate Brady and Nicole. I have no problem with them getting back together even with this dark turn of events. In the real world, I wouldn’t enjoy seeing a couple that is so clearly dysfunctional I wouldn’t want to even meet people who do this even in the heat of the moment. Even though I do not agree with what Brady is doing, his protecting Maggie and his outrage about Vivian moving his mother’s remains are understandable. He acted in a totally unacceptable way, and knows it, but at this point he is following this course of action.

When it comes to Nicole helping Brady, she has done a lot of awful things in her life too. He rejected her for these actions in the past, but now the shoe is on the other foot. Nicole doesn’t hate him and understands how one can fall down the proverbial rabbit hole. Brady gave Nicole the benefit of the doubt in the past, but was punished for it. While there was love of some sort within their relationship, one has to wonder if those feelings are there for either one or if this is some sick mind game.

Perhaps part of why this while disturbing doesn’t freak me out is while there is darkness between Brady and Nicole until now it wasn’t against the other. Yes, Brady may be using Nicole, but she knows it. Since Brady is the “good” one in the relationship it is also possible that he may change course, before he destroys Nicole. She chooses to be with him, which may be self-destructive on her part. In the past, Nicole has said that Brady saves her. What I wonder is will the situation be reversed and Nicole saves Brady? Of course, it seems Brady is allowing Nicole to help him because she would be an easy scapegoat and he has no other choice. She knows what he did, and if Brady rebuffed her, she would tell the world. That said by having an accomplice, he has someone he can blame when everyone finds out about Vivian. He can blame Nicole who swapped babies and faked a pregnancy. Most everyone would believe Nicole lead Brady to ruin, while for once it was Brady who caused his on despair.

So how long will Vivian be held in a coffin? Would the program do something crazy like have her be sane once she gets out of her captivity? Will Brady and Nicole stand together when everything comes out? While disturbed by what happened, will most of the town feel grateful to Brady for keeping Maggie safe fro Vivian? Will Brady succeed and make everyone think Nicole is responsible or will he develop protective feelings for her again? These are all things that hopefully will be explored in the fall out of this plot.

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