Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thoughts about "The Doctors" - September 1974

Another month's worth of episodes of "The Doctors" has aired on RetroTV. Below are my thoughts on what has aired for the month of September 1974.

We still haven't seen Toni's baby. She and Alan kissed, and Alan wanted a leave of absence to go to Hawaii to end his marriage to Margo. Matt agreed, but he initially thought that Alan wanted to fix his marriage. Ellen has no idea why Alan and Margo are having problems and are still thinking it is about the furniture.  Greta thought it was a good idea for Toni to move on with someone else as Mike was dead and her nephew needed a father. What no one knew was that the guy who had plastic surgery is actually Mike, thousands of miles away from home.

Erich still has no idea that Karen is alive, but Rolf Krilling found her. Steve and Carolee was upset about the situation for the obvious reasons, and they made them look a bit tired on camera due to lack of sleep. At least, Erich is still adorable, even if he thinks it is a good idea to wear swim fins and a mask in the living room, which resembles the beloved giraffe. The kid is so polite he even asks permission to kiss his father, which made me both aww and giggle, as that was something due to the situation with Karen needed to happen.

Ann was in Obanda, and thought about staying there and helping them. More talk about Chris went on, and Ann acted like her late husband was more important to the medical care than herself. (Seriously Ann, why be this way...)

Hank asked for a leave, so he and Lauri could get married. The wedding happened off camera, and Matt agreed to allow them to have time away from Hope Memorial. (Who works at Hope these days, Sam?) We did see Hank and Lauri's honeymoon, and he wore barely anything. Their happiness was short-lived as while Lauri was in the shower, Hank discovered that the guy who shot him worked at the Cape in the hotel. Hank was upset

Martha and Cadman are still liking one another, but have yet to go on an official date. Cadman asked Martha if she would come watch him bowl with the police team, which was a one-way conversation.

The main story was Penny was absolved of John Morrison's murder. Mr. Corin, who was institutionalized was the culprit. He blamed both Maggie and John for his troubles. After getting out of care, Corin tried to get a job at the hospital's laundry. Maggie was okay with the idea, but Matt was not. Corin had acted as if he was well, but still felt his wife was poisoning him (what was funny was the actress playing his wife year earlier was on "The Doctors" as Ruth Winters.) To get into the Powers house, he made believe he was working for the gas company, and tricked Greta. Thankfully, Greta got away, and was okay. Matt came home to find Maggie being held hostage, he got Corin to put down the weapon, and saved Maggie. He was brought to jail, but before then he explained how he resented John, and shot him in the heart. Eventually the DA had to let Penny go, and Corin was being held for his crimes. Instead of being happy that she was free, Penny obsession with Nick and Althea made a happy night into a dreadful one. After going out, Nick went home, and Penny got upset. Althea finally told Penny that she and Nick were "never" getting back together. The two women shared words, and Penny wished Buddy was still alive, so she'd have someone on her side. Penny left home, as she didn't want to live with her mother.

Those were the highlights of September 1974. There was one preemption (September 9) and one missing episode (September 13). I found it surprising how quickly Rolf found Karen, but they have to drag this out and not let her come back to America yet.

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